Monday, January 29, 2007

2nd Grade Activities: Week 21

MATH: Flip Over Math: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division: read word problems and solve using various math manipulatives; write the problems worked out; online math games: count by 2s, 3s 5s, solve dot-to-dot puzzle to 70; addition drill with FlashMaster.

PHONICS: work in Explode the Code 3: oa and ow.

RELIGION: daily prayer; study Good Shepherd Catholic Catechism in preparation for 1st Communion; attend Mass.

READING: read signs, book and video covers, text on blogs and websites; read homemade book to ES; read some picture books.

READING/SPELLING: IM with relatives; reading in Catechism, Phonics, and Math books,

HANDWRITING: write one-word answers in Explode the Code workbook and Catechism book.

SCIENCE/NATURE: Zoo trip: observe koala, flamingos, monkeys, birds, kangaroos; squirrels; observe ants with magnifying glass; look at ants and penguins on Academy of Sciences website; watch Wild about Animals: Animals of the Jungle, Steve Rotfeld Productions video.

HISTORY: read from Story of the World I: Ancient Egypt and the first writing; draw an American indian family; attend Art and history Museum field trip.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: count in Spanish.

ART: color in Catechism workbook; draw American indians, monkey; add to chalk drawing museum mural; present and explain projects to teacher; pose and photograph twist-tie family; coloring: dogs, cats, squirrels, ponies.

MUSIC: listen to classical (Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Liszt, Chopin) and contemporary music; follow text and musical notes to sing at Mass; field trip: Asian music, dance, and storytelling performance.

P.E.: attend softball practices; park time.

READ ALOUD: read from The Swiss Family Robinson, Johann Wyss.

Monday, January 22, 2007

2nd Grade Activities: Week 20

RELIGION: daily prayer; study Good Shepherd Catholic Catechism in preparation for 1st Communion; attend Mass.

MATH: Flip Over Math: multiplication, addition, and subtraction with plastic coins (word problems); addition and subtraction drill with Flashmaster for learning math tables; Flip Over Math: multiplication and division with connecting rods and connecting people.

PHONICS: work in Explode the Code 3 with vowel diagraphs ee, ea, ai, and ay.

READING: read signs, book and video covers, text on blogs and websites, comic books and comic strips.

READING/SPELLING: read titles and comments on family photo blogs; IM with Grandma; reading in Catechism, Phonics, and Math books.

HANDWRITING: write one-word answers in Explode the Code workbook and Catechism book; write labels, lists, and notes.

SCIENCE/NATURE: watch National Geographic Kids: Cain the Coyote, and Cara the Sea Turtle videos. Draw a family of ducks. Observe habits and characteristics of betta fish; point out some differences between the male and female betta fish: different shaped fins and tails. Watch Discovery: Mother Nature Tales of Discovery: Babes In The Woods video. Sort and play with a large collection of sea shells.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Spanish: apply stickers to the First Thousand Words in Spanish Sticker Book (Usborne). Braille coding with slate and stylus.

ART: make a hedgehog out of air-dry clay; color in Catechism workbook; artwork in Photoshop; drawings of animals on paper and computer.

MUSIC: attend choir rehearsals, and Masses in Latin and English; listen to classical and contemporary music; read along and sing some music during Mass.

P.E.: attend softball practices and clinic; park time.

READ ALOUD: The Adventures of Tintin: Explorers on the Moon, Herge; read from The Swiss Family Robinson, Johann Wyss.

2nd Grade Activities: Week 19

RELIGION: daily prayer; study Good Shepherd Catholic Catechism in preparation for 1st Communion; attend Mass.

MATH: budgeting with a $20 gift card, deciding and calculating what craft supplies to purchase with it; Flip Over Math: addition, subtraction, and multiplication exercises including addition with nickels and dimes; online games: addition, subtraction, sequential numbers. Look at Montessori bead material for multiplication, and make large numbers with the thousand, hundred, tens, and unit cards.

PHONICS: work in Explode the Code 3 with the consonant blends th, wh, ch, tch, ng, ck, and long vowel words with silent e; watch Fran Allison's Easy Phonics video:

WRITING: write a book: Book 1 of Sentences for Kids.

READING: read Book 1 of Sentences for Kids. Read signs, book and video covers, text on blogs and websites, comic books and comic strips.

READING/SPELLING: IM with Dad; send him Chinese characters cut and pasted from an internet translation site:
Choose and add words to a Rolodex spelling list. Reading in Catechism, Phonics, and Math books.

HANDWRITING: write one-word answers in Explode the Code workbook and Catechism book; make a list of relatives to send notes to.

SCIENCE/NATURE: look for kids' news sites; find an article about a fish trained to play soccer :)
Observe two betta fish; make fish from modeling clay; watch Popular Mechanics for Kids: Gators & Dragons and Other Wild Beasts.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Japanese: copy Japanese characters from a video. Chinese: Listen to the CD Sing 'n Learn Chinese while following along in the book; copy the Chinese characters for mango, starfruits, pear, biscuits, ice cream, and fish from flash cards. Spanish: attend Spanish story time; watch cartoons in Spanish; look up words from Spanish newspaper [which came as packing material in a purse] to find the newspaper's website and look for items of interest to kids.

ART: color an unfinished birdhouse with Sharpie pens; draw cartoon characters; make cartoon characters and a bird from modeling clay; make a sports banner and posters for bedroom wall.

MUSIC: attend choir rehearsals and Chant Masses; listen to classical and contemporary music; read some music during Mass.

P.E.: attend softball team meeting and softball practices; park time.

READ ALOUD: The Adventures of Tintin: Desitnation Moon, and Explorers on the Moon, Herge; read from The Swiss Family Robinson, Johann Wyss.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Duccio di Buoninsegna
The Nativity with the Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel , 1308/1311. Detail.

Christmas Vacation
During vacation there has been plenty of drawing, crafts, singing, reading, and nature study.

For lots of Christmas ideas, see:
O Night Divine

Adoration of the Magi

Adoration of the Magi
Antonio Allegri Correggio (1489–1534)

2nd Grade Activities: Week 18

1. Religion: daily prayer.
2. Math: solve story problems in Flip Over Math; watch video about money and saving.
3. Art: draw animals from the video: Animals in the Bible.
4. Read Aloud: The Adventures of Tintin: The Shooting Star, Herge.
5. Reading: a story from McGuffey reader 2.

1. Religion: daily prayer.
2. Language Arts: read and write a little Morse code.
3. Art: art and California history class: build a model of Mission Santa Barbara.
4. P.E.: outside play.
5. Music: listen to acappella Christmas music:
6. Math: do 31 mazes (Kumon: Amazing Mazes).

1. Religion: daily prayer.
2. Math: connect and color dot-to-dot Christmas tree, (numbers to 50).
3. Spanish: story time at the library.
4. Science/Nature: read some of The Home Planet, ed. Kevin W. Kelley, and look at the photographs of various parts of the earth from space.
The Association of Space Explorers
5. Art: color the scene after solving a maze puzzle.
6. Language Arts: work on Morse code:
Morse code translator
7. P.E.: park time

1. Religion: daily prayer.
2. Science/Nature: care of fish; bury fish; observe baby tooth under a magnifying glass.
3. Reading: Back Pack Books: This Little Cow; This Little Pig; This Little Lamb; This Little Hen.
4. Math: listen to explanation for use of odd/even numbers in book pagination.
5. Music: listen to acappella Christmas music.
6. Handwriting: write letters (words) and both arabic and roman numerals.
7. Art: draw betta fish; color unfinished wooden nutcrackers with Sharpie markers.

1. Religion: daily prayer; Mass attendance.
2. Music: listen to Christmas choral music.
3. Reading: read Christmas song lyrics to sing carols.
4. Art: drawing and coloring: make a book; make and wrap Christmas presents.
5. Math: money story problems, addition, subtraction, and multiplication with nickels, dimes, and pennies (Flip Over Math).