2nd Grade Activities: Week 1
1. Religion: read about Saint of the day; pray.
2. Writing: write Mom notes.
3. Science: make paper tadpoles; play Sammy's Science House computer games, including weather, story sequencing, and classification of animals.
4. Handwriting: make a remote control, with buttons labeled STOP, CRAWL, FAST, GO, SLOW, SWIM, MOM, DAD.
5. Creative Writing: dictate a page of instructions for a "robot baby".
6. Math: "How many days until Christmas?" [from Aug. 19]: 128 days (counting) or 128 days by adding column of numbers (number of days in each month until Christmas). [Observation: adding the days in each month was much faster than counting each day individually.]
7. P.E.: swim class, park time.
8. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #16, Hour of the Olympics.
1. Phonics: Play Reader Rabbit computer phonics games: CVC words; spell "bag", "cap", "hen" with tactile letters. Mom demonstrates (writes examples and sample words with) the lowercase letters: b, d, p, q.
2. Handwriting: practice upper and lowercase letters: a, e.
3. Math: aptitude test.
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Art: make 6 plastic spoon puppets.
6. Read Aloud: Mem Fox, Tough Boris;
A Gift from the Lonely Doll, Dare Wright.
1. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #17, Tonight on the Titanic.
2. Math: telling time: read current time on analog and digital clocks, review number of minutes in hour and half hour, observe motion of hands on the "Judy Clock" (showing a mark for each minute, a number for each five minutes).
3. Science/Nature: watch Really Wild Animals: Amazing North America video: polar bears, wolves, alligators, rattlesnakes; observe and draw a moth.
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Spanish: attend Spanish story time.
6. Religion: attend Mass.
1. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #18, Buffalo Before Breakfast.
2. Sign Language: watch Signing Time!, vol. 3: Everyday Signs, and practice signs.
3. Math: "Mom, please help me count my money": counting nickels: learn to count by 10s to 100 (group nickels by 2s first, then observe the pattern 10, 20, 30, 40 on the hundred chart); count by 5s to 100 (oral -- noticing the pattern).
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Science/Nature: observe and draw dragon flies.
6. Foreign Language: asks to be taught some Greek: Dad writes the Greek alphabet. "Daddy, please can you let me repeat those a few times?" Copied some of the letters.
7. Geography: locate Greece on the globe. (These Greek interests were sparked by watching a silly Disney video).
1. Religion: pray.
2. Math: write the Roman numerals I to XV.
3. Science/Nature: watch Henry's Amazing Animals: Prehistoric Animals (video).
4. Creative Writing: dictate what sounds like advertising copy for the Amazing Animals video.
5. Reading: Chester, Syd Hoff;
Digby, Barbara Shook Hazen;
Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Joanne Oppenheim;
Two Crows Counting, Doris Orgel.
6. P.E.: soccer.
1. Religion: read about Saint of the day; pray.
2. Writing: write Mom notes.
3. Science: make paper tadpoles; play Sammy's Science House computer games, including weather, story sequencing, and classification of animals.
4. Handwriting: make a remote control, with buttons labeled STOP, CRAWL, FAST, GO, SLOW, SWIM, MOM, DAD.
5. Creative Writing: dictate a page of instructions for a "robot baby".
6. Math: "How many days until Christmas?" [from Aug. 19]: 128 days (counting) or 128 days by adding column of numbers (number of days in each month until Christmas). [Observation: adding the days in each month was much faster than counting each day individually.]
7. P.E.: swim class, park time.
8. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #16, Hour of the Olympics.
1. Phonics: Play Reader Rabbit computer phonics games: CVC words; spell "bag", "cap", "hen" with tactile letters. Mom demonstrates (writes examples and sample words with) the lowercase letters: b, d, p, q.
2. Handwriting: practice upper and lowercase letters: a, e.
3. Math: aptitude test.
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Art: make 6 plastic spoon puppets.
6. Read Aloud: Mem Fox, Tough Boris;
A Gift from the Lonely Doll, Dare Wright.
1. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #17, Tonight on the Titanic.
2. Math: telling time: read current time on analog and digital clocks, review number of minutes in hour and half hour, observe motion of hands on the "Judy Clock" (showing a mark for each minute, a number for each five minutes).
3. Science/Nature: watch Really Wild Animals: Amazing North America video: polar bears, wolves, alligators, rattlesnakes; observe and draw a moth.
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Spanish: attend Spanish story time.
6. Religion: attend Mass.
1. Read Aloud: Magic Tree House #18, Buffalo Before Breakfast.
2. Sign Language: watch Signing Time!, vol. 3: Everyday Signs, and practice signs.
3. Math: "Mom, please help me count my money": counting nickels: learn to count by 10s to 100 (group nickels by 2s first, then observe the pattern 10, 20, 30, 40 on the hundred chart); count by 5s to 100 (oral -- noticing the pattern).
4. P.E.: swim class, park time.
5. Science/Nature: observe and draw dragon flies.
6. Foreign Language: asks to be taught some Greek: Dad writes the Greek alphabet. "Daddy, please can you let me repeat those a few times?" Copied some of the letters.
7. Geography: locate Greece on the globe. (These Greek interests were sparked by watching a silly Disney video).
1. Religion: pray.
2. Math: write the Roman numerals I to XV.
3. Science/Nature: watch Henry's Amazing Animals: Prehistoric Animals (video).
4. Creative Writing: dictate what sounds like advertising copy for the Amazing Animals video.
5. Reading: Chester, Syd Hoff;
Digby, Barbara Shook Hazen;
Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Joanne Oppenheim;
Two Crows Counting, Doris Orgel.
6. P.E.: soccer.