1st Grade Activities: Week 16
1. Music: learn Christmas carols; listen to contemporary Christmas music on the radio; Mozart Horn Concertos.
2. Religion: pray; hang Jesse tree ornaments, read associated Bible stories: anointing of David, King David; visit altar of Our Lady of Guadalupe decorated for the feastday.
3. Art: wooden Christmas doorknob hangers: felt pen and glitter; decorate a ballerina with same materials, and color King Kong (from movie and theater advertisements in the newspaper).
4. Phonics: Rusty and Rosy Letter Sound Songs (video).
5. Geography: The Geography of Mexico (video).
6. Read Aloud: The Silver Chair.
7. P.E.: ballet; run and play.
1. Religion: pray; hang Jesse tree ornament; read the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, the story of Jonah from Bible and discuss; read brief bio. of St. Lucy.
2. Language Arts: use of table of contents to find book of the Bible, then find chapter and verse.
3. Math: count to 106; "Wow, that [rocket] must be 80 hundred feet long!": demonstrate that 80 hundred (80 hundreds) = 8 thousand.
4. Music: listen to contemporary Christmas songs; sing made up song about Mary our mother standing on the serpent (inspired by Our Lady of Guadalupe).
5. Drama: the Kings come looking for baby Jesus; He is not here yet; Mary and Joseph are praying and waiting.
6. Science: There Goes a Spaceship, The Magic School Bus Goes to Seed (videos).
7. Art: make dashboard, dials, windshield, lights, and steering wheel out of paper and attach to office chair for car.
1. Religion: pray; read and discuss Bible readings for the day; hang Jesse tree ornament; read brief bio. of St. John of the Cross.
2. Art: paintings: life-size Nutcracker (and an ant), Jolly the fish in his fish bowl; various small drawings.
3. Reading: finish Go Dog, Go!; read signs, packages, advertisements.
4. Read Aloud: The Silver Chair.
5. Spanish: story time at library.
6. Drama: watch a puppet show: The Lollipop Princess; watch a short performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
7. P.E.: play at park.
8. Writing: "THE END"; "CAT MEETING"
1. Religion: pray Our Father; read Gospel and Psalm of the day; hang Jesse tree ornament and read associated Bible passage; read short bio. of St. Nino.
2. Art: make a bean-bag snowman out of a white sock, decorating with permanent markers; make a necklace with pom-poms on thread (using a needle); draw Indian clothes for a doll and associated items.
3. Read Aloud: Hide and Snake; Maples in the Mist (poetry from the Tang Dynasty); The Night Before Christmas; Amazing Grace (a young African-American actress); The Night Before Christmas; Angelina, Star of the Show.
4. Reading: Duckie's Rainbow; The Silver Chair.
5. Assisted Reading: A Dog Named Sam.
6. Music: sing Christmas carols; listen to contemporary Christmas music; listen to O Magnum Mysterium and Missa Sesquialtera at choir rehearsal.
1. Religion: pray; read Bible readings for the day; read short bio. of St. Adelaide; hang Jesse tree ornament and read associated passage from Bible.
2. Music: sing O Come, O Come Emmanuel (more verses).
3. Reading: Biscuit Goes to School; Yoo Hoo Moon; Babar's Little Circus Star.
4. Art: make a "Zooflake" modeled after Zoo Flakes ABC by will Howell (pretty alphabet book) -- paper snowflakes that incorporate animals into the design; color snowflake and fish.
5. Library time.
6. Language Arts: watch Jump Start Kindergarten video, including vowel review and other concepts.
1. Music: sing Christmas carols; follow chant at Mass.