1st Grade Activities: Week 8
1. Drama: Lego town, robots, animals.
2. Religion: pray; Bible readings for the day.
3. Reading: Read signs; match words/pictures (game).
4. Read Aloud: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; observation: "Time runs faster in the wardrobe."
5. Music: sing made-up songs; clapping songs.
6. Phonics: ie and y endings on words.
7. Recitation: tell Knock-knock jokes.
8. Science: observe snail.
9. Math: roman numberals: V, VI, VII, etc.
10. P.E.: ballet.
1. Drama: Lego town, robots, creatures.
2. Art: Play-doh blueberries and blueberry tart; color Halloween picture.
3. Religion: pray Sign of the Cross, Our Father.
4. Reading: charter school binder.
5. Science: use coins to represent the Big Dipper; talk about rescue animals.
6. Math: count pages in binder; more counting, to 100.
7. Music: sing made-up songs.
8. Phonics: knead vs. need, both ea and ee have long e sound, knead has silent k.
9. Math: take measurements (with measuring tape) to plan construction of armor out of cardboard.
10. Computer: send email to Dad ordering the cardboard; type alphabet; use of cut and paste, select text and change font.
11. Read Aloud: from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
12. Spanish: watch Professor Parrot Speaks Spanish: Learn Spanish with songs, dances, games and puppets, Sound Beginnings video.
13: P.E.: soccer.
1. Art: make cardboard TV, remote control, commercial; draw snails, scenery, buttons. Make cardboard doll, decorate.
2. Math: write numbers 1-10 on controller.
3. Writing: write words: Stop, play, FF, rewind, pause.
4. Drama: act out commercials and shows on TV (with face in the box); viewer selects station on controller.
5. Reading: child's picture dictionary.
6. Religion: prayer, Mass attendance, read short lives of saints.
7. P.E.: park time.
8. Geography: watch video all about California.
1. Art: photography: people, toys; draw an "onionhead" and his dog on the computer.
2. Reading: words in children's dictionary; signs, words on packages; first half of Green Eggs and Ham.
3. Music: sing made-up song about honey bear (a plastic bear container that holds honey); attend choir rehearsal.
4. Poetry: write a poem about the onionhead.
5. Phonics: ea and ee sounds; oo as in soon, oo as in book.
6. Math: type numbers 1-10.
7. Computer: type each row on keyboard, lots of drawing and keyboarding.
8. Science/Technology: watch How a Car Is Built video; Firefighter George and Today's Might Trains video.
1. Religion: prayer; Bible readings for the day; Mass attendance.
2. Phonics: beginning letter sounds.
3. Music: sing made-up songs.
4. Art: make a book, draw pictures: Emma the Dog; draw lions; make a twist-tie lion; make Halloween decorations.
5. Read Aloud: finish the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; identify some words.
6. Reading: Reader Rabbit, Books 36-38.
7. Science: observe ants; peruse books about pets.
8. Drama: build Lincoln log fort/scene.
9. History: prehistoric cave paintings of bulls, deer, horses in the cave of Lascaux (visual tour -- internet site).
10. Computer: compose emails; select text, change fonts, type.
1. P.E.: soccer.
2. Reading: signs and product labels.
3. Read Aloud: D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths.
4. Science: Bill Nye Science video; Dog video.
1. Drama: Lego town, robots, animals.
2. Religion: pray; Bible readings for the day.
3. Reading: Read signs; match words/pictures (game).
4. Read Aloud: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; observation: "Time runs faster in the wardrobe."
5. Music: sing made-up songs; clapping songs.
6. Phonics: ie and y endings on words.
7. Recitation: tell Knock-knock jokes.
8. Science: observe snail.
9. Math: roman numberals: V, VI, VII, etc.
10. P.E.: ballet.
1. Drama: Lego town, robots, creatures.
2. Art: Play-doh blueberries and blueberry tart; color Halloween picture.
3. Religion: pray Sign of the Cross, Our Father.
4. Reading: charter school binder.
5. Science: use coins to represent the Big Dipper; talk about rescue animals.
6. Math: count pages in binder; more counting, to 100.
7. Music: sing made-up songs.
8. Phonics: knead vs. need, both ea and ee have long e sound, knead has silent k.
9. Math: take measurements (with measuring tape) to plan construction of armor out of cardboard.
10. Computer: send email to Dad ordering the cardboard; type alphabet; use of cut and paste, select text and change font.
11. Read Aloud: from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
12. Spanish: watch Professor Parrot Speaks Spanish: Learn Spanish with songs, dances, games and puppets, Sound Beginnings video.
13: P.E.: soccer.
1. Art: make cardboard TV, remote control, commercial; draw snails, scenery, buttons. Make cardboard doll, decorate.
2. Math: write numbers 1-10 on controller.
3. Writing: write words: Stop, play, FF, rewind, pause.
4. Drama: act out commercials and shows on TV (with face in the box); viewer selects station on controller.
5. Reading: child's picture dictionary.
6. Religion: prayer, Mass attendance, read short lives of saints.
7. P.E.: park time.
8. Geography: watch video all about California.
1. Art: photography: people, toys; draw an "onionhead" and his dog on the computer.
2. Reading: words in children's dictionary; signs, words on packages; first half of Green Eggs and Ham.
3. Music: sing made-up song about honey bear (a plastic bear container that holds honey); attend choir rehearsal.
4. Poetry: write a poem about the onionhead.
5. Phonics: ea and ee sounds; oo as in soon, oo as in book.
6. Math: type numbers 1-10.
7. Computer: type each row on keyboard, lots of drawing and keyboarding.
8. Science/Technology: watch How a Car Is Built video; Firefighter George and Today's Might Trains video.
1. Religion: prayer; Bible readings for the day; Mass attendance.
2. Phonics: beginning letter sounds.
3. Music: sing made-up songs.
4. Art: make a book, draw pictures: Emma the Dog; draw lions; make a twist-tie lion; make Halloween decorations.
5. Read Aloud: finish the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; identify some words.
6. Reading: Reader Rabbit, Books 36-38.
7. Science: observe ants; peruse books about pets.
8. Drama: build Lincoln log fort/scene.
9. History: prehistoric cave paintings of bulls, deer, horses in the cave of Lascaux (visual tour -- internet site).
10. Computer: compose emails; select text, change fonts, type.
1. P.E.: soccer.
2. Reading: signs and product labels.
3. Read Aloud: D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths.
4. Science: Bill Nye Science video; Dog video.