Tuesday, November 29, 2005

1st Grade Activities: Week 12

1. Art: draw/trace more cotton-top tamarin monkeys.
2. Science/Nature: read second half of Monkeys of Central and South America; read Robots: What They Are, What They Do.
3. Read Aloud: D'Aulaire's Greek Myths; Fortune Cookie Fortunes; I Lost My Bear; Percy the Piglet.
4. Reading: The Swimmers, Floppy Mop, Summer, Bud's Nap (Bob Books); This Is an Island, Fast and Faster, Where Are They Going?, We Use Water (booklets).
5. Phonics: double consonants in begged, stopped: beg+g+ed, stop+p+ed; oa, ar, ea, ai, or, a-e sounds.
6. Computer: Reader Rabbit; type and spell in text editor; snowman art in drawing program.
7. Reading: Soap Boat, Car Race, My Horse Glory online books (Starfall).
8. Religion: Gospel reading; pray Our Father, evening prayers.

1. Religion: pray Our Father, read Gospel of the day; short (1pg) bio. of St. Albert the Great.
2. Art: repair (glue) broken decorations; draw ant; illustrate and number Christmas wish list.
3. Science/Nature: observe ants, draw, dictate observations; watch a small ant towing the large one (queen?) several times it's size.
4. Library day.
5. P.E.: park, soccer practice.
6. Handwriting: write name and book title of a favorite book on a "turkey feather" for display at the library.
7. Spelling: spell "A Book of" for the "feather".
8. Read Aloud: The Trapp Family Singers.
9. Reading: But Not the Hippopotamus.

1. Art: draw robots, draw hearts, flowers, characters; make pipe cleaner man.
2. Religion: read and discuss Gospel of the day; pray Our Father; Mass attendance; girls' group: listen to presentation about St. Jane Frances de Chantal, do Christmas/Advent crafts; evening prayer.
3. P.E.: park.
4. Reading: Todd's Box; Turtle and Snake at Work; Puppy Mudge Finds a Friend, The Pigeon Loves Things That Go!
5. Read Aloud: The High-Rise Private Eyes: The Case of the Troublesome Turtle.
6. Music: follow words, and sing hymns during and after Mass; sing made-up song.

1. Religion: pray Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be; read today's Gospel: Lk 19:41-44; read about St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
2. Art: design Advent wreath; draw secret code page that you can "read" with a flashlight; draw a turkey.
3. Science/Nature: observations: "8 things float", "9 don't float" in the bathtub; ant: "3 legs on each side, 2 antennas"; speculate about the behavior of ants.
4. P.E.: dancing.
5. History: website www.plimoth.org to learn about the first Thanksgiving.
6. Read Aloud: The Beast in the Bathtub; Homespun Sarah (Colonial life); The Pot That Juan Built; Shrinking Violet.
7. Reading: Truck Duck; Goodnight Dinah (booklet); Puppy Mudge Has a Snack :) ; Puppy Mudge Loves His Blanket; Puppy Mudge Takes a Bath; signs on the highway.
8. Cooking: make a milkshake, reading her own recipe.

1. Religion: pray Our Father, Hail Mary, Mass attendance.
2. Field Trip: live performance of Beauty and the Beast, accompanied by musicians: identify several instruments and describe sound.
3. Reading: read 4 books in the car.
4. Library trip.
5. Read Aloud:
6. Computer: wants to create her own website. Here is her list of topics:

history: 1st Thanksgiving
how to make stage props
names of stores
school items
school teachers' names
how to make paper dolls
how to make your own fan
how to stuff your own stuffed toy
how to make dolls
how to be a great cook
how to make different kinds of sticky tags
make gifts
make some things for Valentine's Day
maps of buried treasure
names of different websites
how to become a great swimmer
how to become a mom that knows much
how to become a dad that knows much
how to become a children that knows what to do
how to make clothes
how to make your own play equipment
how to blow up the biggest balloon
how to blow the biggest bubble gum bubble without popping it
new ideas
how to make a robot
how robots are designed
how to design a pumpkin without it rotting
how to make stickers
how to make magnets
how to make puppets
how to make a scarecrow
how to make a notebook
how to be a museum owner
how to make a lamp
how to make a bag
how to make a fake plant
how to make indians out of paper
how to make a rag doll

7. Art: computer sketch to go on the website: Tin Man.

1. P.E.: soccer game (awarded most improved player); run and play.
2. Read Aloud: There's a Wocket in My Pocket; What's on the Ships (booklet); The Thanksgiving Beast Feast; The Berenstain Bears and the Wishing Star.
3. Art: coloring, Play-Doh (make characters from Brave Little Toaster movie).
4. Math: oral addition.
5. Reading: online books (Starfall).
6. Religion: Bible readings for Mass and discussion of readings (she didn't like what happened to the goats) and feast of Christ the King, what the word Christian means.
7. Music: listen to Tomás Luis de Victoria Missa O quam gloriosum.