Thursday, November 10, 2005

1st Grade Activities: Week 10

1. Reading: fill-in-the-blank poem (game); My Models, Worm Watches, There Is a Planet, Dinah's Dream, Yucky Ball, Super Hero (short booklets); Halloween card.
2. Art: color several pages online, capture, save, name file, find and launch application.
3. Music: listen to folk songs: Pete Seeger for Kids and Just Plain Folks; read lyrics -- follow along while listening; sing some of the songs; Songs for Singing Children.
4. Phonics: sound out words in reading; long vowel words with silent e.
5. Computer: type the rows on keyboard.
6. Math: solve equations: 7+3, 7+4, 5+7, 7+6, 7+7, 0+8, 2+8, 8+1, 8+3, 8+4, 5+8, 6+8, 8+7, 8+8, 9+0, 1+9, 2+9, 3+9, 4+9, 9+5, 6+9, 7+9, 9+8, 9+9, 10+0, 10+1, 10+2, 10+3, 10+4, 10+5, 10+6, 10+7, 10+8, 10+9, 10+10, from flashcards -- oral, some done mentally, some with manipulatives (approx. half and half); 100 five times = 500; 100 six times = 600.
7. P.E.: ballet.
8. Religion: pray Our Father; scripture readings for the day.

1. Math: oral with flashcards: 11+0, 11+1, 11+2, 11+3, 11+4, 11+5, 11+6, 11+7, 11+8, 11+9, 11+10, 11+11, 12+0, 12+1, 12+2, 12+3; show how to add vertical columns.
2. Religion: listen to children's songs: On My Way to Sunday School (hymns).
3. Phonics: ai = long a sound; final y makes long e sound (in context while reading).
4. Music: website with games all about instruments in the orchestra: (New York Philharmonic Kidzone): create your own instrument.
5. Art: drawing of instrument: The Daisy; line up Halloween toys for photo.
6. History: read from The Story of the Greeks, H.A. Guerber.
7. Read Aloud: D'Aulaires' Greek Myths: Aphrodite, Persephone; Pretzel; Martha and Skits; Perfectly Martha; Fried Feathers for Thanksgiving; Jazzbo and Googy.
8. Religion: pray Our Father, read Gospel of the day.
9. Science/Nature: observation and care of snails; One of the snails is moving very quickly: "His heart -- I can feel it. It's making him go faster."
10. Reading: sort Halloween candy by name; read some words in read-aloud book.
11. Science: wants to go to the moon; wants to experience weightlessness in space.
12. Cooking: make a milkshake; post recipe on refrigerator.

1. Science: throw 10 toys in the bathtub: "4 toys float, 6 toys sink", add one more toy that sinks: 7 toys sink.
2. Read Aloud: Young Cam Jansen and the Baseball Mystery; Olivia; one chapter from Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble.
3. Math: telling time; verify that 5 kittens have 20 paws (from read-aloud story in Henry and Mudge); make a chart for secret code where numbers equal letters; use chart to code name; write simple addition equations.
4. Art: print paper dolls (bears) and clothes from internet; frog made of ovals -- paste and decorate (library craft); color saint and angel page (coloring books); draw a picture of our Franciscan Father in habit.
5. Spanish: story time with crafts.
6. Religion: pray Our Father; read Gospel and saint of the day; attend Mass.
7. Music: follow musical notation for chants.
8. Reading: some words in read-aloud books; signs while traveling; Bark, George.

1. Art: write directions to make a toy frog from book (Thump and Plunk); draw a paper frog, color and cut out.
2. Reading: Biscuit Wins a Prize; Big Pig and Little Pig; words in read-aloud books.
3. Read Aloud: Thump and Plunk; What's Cooking, Jenny Archer?; An Arctic Year; Prince Caspian; Annie Rose Is My Little Sister.
4. Spanish: read aloud: Margaret and Margarita / Margarita Y Margaret (bilingual book).
5. Music: This Land Is Your Land (video with folk songs).
6. P.E.: Soccer: Sports Tips for Kids video.
7. Religion: read about saint of the day; pray.
8. Phonics/Spelling: online computer games; "Daddy, what is a compound word that begins with air?"

1. Read Aloud: Cathy the Calf; Betsy Who Cried Wolf!
2. Spanish: count to 10 in Spanish.
3. Computer: type "email" to Dad; drag and drop art.
4. Recess: play with friends.
5. Homeschool meeting.
6. Library time.
7. Math: oral addition equations in car.
8. Religion: pray Our Father; Family Mass.
9. Reading: signs, labels, some words while browsing books.
10. Handwriting: copy title, artist, and names of persons donating artwork from a statue at the library (all caps).

1. P.E.: soccer game; visit gymnastics class.
2. Library trip.
3. Home Ec.: organize toys in new shelving/bin unit.
4. Religion: pray; Mass attendance; Bible stories on video; evening prayers.