Saturday, October 20, 2007

3rd Grade Activities: Week 7

RELIGION: daily prayer; attend Mass; Bible readings; read a brief bio. of St. Gerard of Brogne, St. Francis of Assisi, and other saints.

MATH: Developmental Math addition review; time4learning online activities: measurement: nonstandard and standard units and metric system; time: am/pm, tell time to 5 min. increments.

PHONICS: breadk 2-3 syllable words into syllables; Explode the Code 5 activities; time4learning online activities.

SPELLING: circle and sound out consonant blends; spell cvc words.

READING: The Ghost's Dinner, Jacques Duquennoy;
A True Book: Elephants, Melissa Stewart;
The Best of Friends, Pirkko Vainio;
What Time Is It, Mr. Crocodile?, Judy Sierra;
Amazing Bats, Simon Seymour;
Whales and People, Jason Cooper;
Raymond's Two Crowns, David Previtali;
Cat and Mouse: The Hole Story, Christyan and Diane Fox;
Yes, It's Bedtime for Bobo!, Jez Alborough;

SCIENCE/NATURE: read and do some activities in The Energenius Safety Program about safety around gas and electricity for children; care for pet fish; observe, house, feed a grasshopper.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Mandarin class; listen to CD for pronunciation; read, write, and pronounce Chinese words and phrases; make flash cards.

READ ALOUD: When I Was Young in the Mountains, Cynthia Rylant;
The Dreamer, Cynthia Rylant;
Wild Birds, Joanne Ryder.

ART: modeling clay figures; paint ceramic animals; create textured sculpture in Discovery in Art class.

MUSIC AND ARTS: listen to classical and contemporary music; sing; watch short ballet and Hawaiian dance performances.

P.E.: soccer; park time; play with dogs at dog park.