3rd Grade Activities: Week 1
RELIGION: daily prayer; attend Mass; read about St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Rose of Lima, and other saints; draw Rose of Lima with associated symbols.
MATH: solve 2-digit addition and subtraction word problems; fractions, perimeter, measurement, use of grid; time4learning online activities.
LANGUAGE ARTS: time4learning online activities.
READING: picture books, emergent- and early-reader books:
Sidekicks, Carol Nicklaus;
The Golly Sisters Ride Again, Betsy Byars;
Fox Outfoxed, James Marshall;
Dear Tooth Fairy, Jane O'Connor;
Captain Zap and the Evil Baron von Fishhead, Jon Buller and Susan Schade;
Follow That Fish, Joanne Oppenheim;
Come Dance With Me, Carol Nicklaus;
The Go Club, Carol Nicklaus.
HANDWRITING: practice some letters in Handwriting Program for Print.
SCIENCE/NATURE: magnetism: experiment with different metallic objects. Notice pull and resistance betweeen magnets; time4learning online activities.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: attend Spanish story time.
ART: coloring pages; clay figures, including monkeys, a girl holding a cat and a basket full of school supplies, Danger Mouse and a girl mouse, an Irish girl in green and orange.
MUSIC: listen to classical and contemporary music; sing several rounds, clapping songs, and made-up songs.
P.E.: soccer practice; park time; play with dogs at dog park.
MATH: solve 2-digit addition and subtraction word problems; fractions, perimeter, measurement, use of grid; time4learning online activities.
LANGUAGE ARTS: time4learning online activities.
READING: picture books, emergent- and early-reader books:
Sidekicks, Carol Nicklaus;
The Golly Sisters Ride Again, Betsy Byars;
Fox Outfoxed, James Marshall;
Dear Tooth Fairy, Jane O'Connor;
Captain Zap and the Evil Baron von Fishhead, Jon Buller and Susan Schade;
Follow That Fish, Joanne Oppenheim;
Come Dance With Me, Carol Nicklaus;
The Go Club, Carol Nicklaus.
HANDWRITING: practice some letters in Handwriting Program for Print.
SCIENCE/NATURE: magnetism: experiment with different metallic objects. Notice pull and resistance betweeen magnets; time4learning online activities.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE: attend Spanish story time.
ART: coloring pages; clay figures, including monkeys, a girl holding a cat and a basket full of school supplies, Danger Mouse and a girl mouse, an Irish girl in green and orange.
MUSIC: listen to classical and contemporary music; sing several rounds, clapping songs, and made-up songs.
P.E.: soccer practice; park time; play with dogs at dog park.
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