Friday, November 30, 2007

3rd Grade Activities: Week 14

RELIGION: daily prayer; attend Mass; Bible readings; read a brief bio. of St. Cecelia, St. Valerie, St. Gwen, St. Jennifer, St. Agatha, and others from 60 Saints for Girls.

MATH: Developmental Math addition review; real life money problems.

PHONICS: Explode the Code 5 activities.

SPELLING/HANDWRITING: practice lowercase letters; spelling and writing in comic books, Dog Park Diary, and Thanksgiving greetings.

WRITING: practice summary writing on the article "Turkeys".

READING: Shrek 2: The Movie Storybook, Tom Mason and Dan Dako;
Duck & Goose, Tad Hills;
We're in Big Trouble, Blackboard Bear, Martha Alexander;
The Mole Sisters and the Piece of Moss, Roslyn Schwartz.

(and a little of each of these): The case of the buried treasure; The case of the perfect prank; The case of the kidnapped candy; The case of the groaning ghost; The case of the marshmallow monster; and The case of the runaway dog; all by James Preller;

Sunday funnies; and Garfield comic books.

SCIENCE/NATURE: care of fish; observe animals on a country trip.

READ ALOUD: 60 Saints for Girls.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: review some Mandarin phrases; compare Mandarin and Spanish greetings.

ART: illustrate the summary writing with turkeys; draw and color Thanksgiving greetings; color wooden Christmas ornaments; create characters from modeling clay.

MUSIC: listen to classical, and contemporary music; sing.

P.E.: soccer, basketball, park time; play with dogs at dog park.