Thursday, February 15, 2007

2nd Grade Activities: Week 23

RELIGION: daily prayer; study Good Shepherd Catholic Catechism in preparation for 1st Communion; attend Mass; watch Francis Xavier and the Samurai's Lost Treasure video; research and find a brief history of Xavier with accompanying art:

MATH: solve 5 word problems from Techniques of Problem Solving: Problem Deck A: two-digit addition (carrying tens), counting by twos, fives, tens, 6 divided by 2, and 60 divided by 6; solve 11 word more word problems: division, money problems, two-digit addition of more than 2 numbers (carrying tens), subtraction with 2 and 3 digits (borrowing tens), solve a word problem that gives too much information, counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, 100s to solve problems; solve 5 more word problems: 24 divided by 2, 2-digit subtraction in a money problem (add 8 coins [count by 5s, 10s, 25s], then subtract the total from 99), 50 cents x 3, calendar problem, calculate 7 x 8.

PHONICS: work in Explode the Code 4: compound words.

READING/SPELLING: reading in Catechism, Phonics, and Math books; read some comics, pages from children's dictionary, websites, book and video titles, signs; IM with relatives; spell chicken.

HANDWRITING: review shapes of sandpaper lowercase letters a-e; make large ones and decorate, trace letters in a paste.

SCIENCE/NATURE: observation and care of fish and ants; observe and play with various breeds of dogs at a dog park; watch a video about Koko the gorilla and friends, their behavior, and their ability to communicate with humans using a form of sign language [A Conversation with Koko, Nature Video Library]. Nature videos: Eyewitness Videos: Life, Monster, Pond and River, Reptile.

FOREIGN LANGUAGE: attend Spanish story time; attend Mandarin Chinese class. Practice pronouncing and writing Chinese characters.

ART: color in Catechism workbook; select favorite art for a museum website; attend and paint a night sky in Discoveries in Art class.

MUSIC: listen to classical and contemporary music; read along and sing some music during Mass; sing made-up songs.

P.E.: softball practice; park time; watch Michael Jordan: Above and Beyond, NBA Superstars video.

READ ALOUD: Hattie, Tom and the Chicken Witch, Dick Gackenbach :(
Uncle Elephant, Arnold Lobel; Silly Fred, Karen Wagner.

HISTORY: read from The Story of the World I: The Old Kingdom of Egypt: read from a book about the Rosetta Stone: its discovery and significance to deciphering hieroglyphics; peruse books about the Valley of the Kings, the Great Pyramid, Tutankahmen, and Technology in the Time of Ancient Egypt.