Friday, November 17, 2006

2nd Grade Activities: Week 12

1. Religion: daily prayer; read about the saint of the day; read and discuss the chapters, "God Made Us" and "God Is Offended", Faith and Life 2.
2. Math: build models of numbers with base ten blocks: 222, 777, 110, 121, 255; look at Montessori bead frame that represents numbers up to 100,000,000; arrange the Montessori number cards of 1-9 (units), 10-90 (tens), 100-900 (100s), 1000-9000 (1000s) to show the numbers 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999.
3. Language Arts: study sandpaper lowercase letters of the alphabet; write a few letters.
4. Geography: draw a rough map of the United States in the sand.
5. Science/Technology/Nature: compose and send an email to a friend; observe seagulls and squirrels.
6. Art: create computer art in Photoshop to go with an email; finish acrylic painting in art class; make a stuffed manatee toy from a blue sock.
7. Reading: read a Sunday comic strip.
8. Read Aloud: from The Adventures of Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh, Herge; and Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain.

1. Religion: daily prayer; read about the saint of the day.
2. Math: simple addition and money problems.
3. Language Arts: read and spell words with long vowels, some with silent e (Explode the Code 3); spell words with long vowel sounds using tactile letters.
4. Read Aloud: from The Adventures of Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh, Herge; and Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain.
5. Reading: read some words in The Adventures of Tintin; read property, Chance and Community Chest cards in Monopoly.
6. Art: art and California history class: study a painting by William Hahn: Sacramento Railroad Station (1874); talk about the gold rush; do some sand painting.

1. Religion: daily prayer.
2. Math: "Mom, what is 1/4 of an hour plus 1 minute?", "3/4 of an hour plus 1 minute?".
3. P.E.: watch Play Like a Soccer Legend video; park time.
4. Read Aloud: Ruby's Wish, Shirin Rim Bridges about a child's life in China in the late 19th century.
5. Science/Nature: care of snails and fish.
6. Music: sing made up song about snails.
7. Spanish: story time at the library.

1. Religion: daily prayers.
2. Math: simple addition and money problems; assessment test.
3. Reading: assessment test, read instructions and questions; Monopoly board and cards.
4. Art: present artwork and projects to teacher; do pencil and pen drawings.
5. P.E.: park time.
6. Music: attend choir rehearsal.
7. Read Aloud: from The Adventures of Tintin: The Blue Lotus, Herge.

(Veterans Day holiday)